I originally began this post last week and haven't had the chance to post due to the craziness that sometimes can overtake our lives so here it is... better late than never:
This week has been crazy! Kory was at camp all week with the youth so it was just me and the boys. Monday was soooo hard, it was one of those days where I prayed a lot "God, are you sure you want me to be a stay at home mom." For some reason Crider was extremely needy and wanted my attention at all times which is very hard when you have a 6 month old who likes to be held a lot. There were a lot of times where I would be trying to pacify Finn and Crider would be clinging to my legs. But we made it through the day and there were some small victories like Crider peeing in the potty twice and it was completely his idea. So I will look back on Monday and think of that and try not to remember the melt downs. Tuesday was my birthday and that morning I had a little pool party at Kory's Aunt Gina's house with Jen, Jack, Jaye, Kayla, Owen, Lora and Jack J. It was a blast and Crider is starting to get a lot better at swimming without always having to be holding on to me. That night Kory had someone fill in for him at camp (camp was at Jonathan Creek only 30 minutes away) so he could take me out that night. Kory and I went out to eat at Doe's in Paducah and it was soooo good. That place is pretty special to us because that is where we announced to our parents that we were pregnant with Crider. Kory made the evening very special for me! On Wednesday morning Crider tripped over some toys and ended up with a huge knot on his head.

The swelling ended up going down before he had his big ring bearer debut in the Burzynski wedding (Stay tuned for more about that).
That night we headed to Marion to spend some time with my family and my parents had a little birthday party for me there. The trip to marion wasn't exactly what I was hoping it would be because Finley slept terribly, and Lucy (our dog) got very very sick (I will spare you the details). Also Finley cried the entire way there and the entire way back to Murray. An hour in a car with a screaming baby does something to your nerves.
This was right before Lucy jumped in Finley's seat and he started pulling her hair so I had to reach back and move her to the front with me. Also shortly after this he started screaming. |
Marion wasn't all bad... my mom made my favorite foods for birthday dinner and we got to visit my friends Leigh, Josh and Jude Hutchens who have been missionaries in Moldova for 2 years. Also Crider and Pappy (thats my dad) threw out the first pitch at the Marion Bobcats season opener.
I debated on whether I should put up a somewhat negative post like this but then I realized that if I want to be real on this blog (which I do) I should. My life isn't always rainbows and sunshine (even though pictures can make it seem that way sometimes) it can be hard and oh so challenging. I love being a mom and one who stays at home but there are days when its a struggle just to make it to nap time.
Sticker Torture |
I have learned to celebrate those small precious moments in the midst of a hard week. This weeks little moments include pee in the potty, rolling over for the first time, songs sang in the car, precious moments with the grandparents,
brothers who love each other,
pool parties, date nights, Crider's giraffe pool at Grammy's house,
mom's lasagna, visits with close friends, sleeping in Aunt Erica's big bead
and daddy coming home after a long week.